Wednesday, March 16, 2011

BI Capacity Planning Tools for Sharepoint 2010 Business Intelligence

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Sharepoint 2010 is a fairly new product even as of date, and I keep hearing different stories from my professional network, where organizations are still not having enough maturity on sizing sharepoint environments even for development purposes. In thoroughly process oriented organizations, generally you would find regular server induction teams/groups and exercises to incorporate new/upgrade versions of server technologies/products. Once these teams craft the induction process which includes installation, maintenance and support SOP (standard operating procedures), the same is floated as the technology standard throughout the organization. As per this theory, everything sounds very procedural and under control.

But many a times architects often comes under fire, when they are asked to submit different documents describing application architecture, development environment configuration, capacity and sizing estimates for a technology that has not got inducted within the organization through SOP. Architecture has significantly changed from Sharepoint 2007 to Sharepoint 2010, the primary one being the change from Shared Service Provider (SSP) in 2007 to Service Applications in 2010. Services that can be used/categorized for BI related requirements can be managed in the form of service applications. Examples of such services are Access Database Services, Secure Store Service, Visio Graphics Service, Business Data Connectivity, Excel Calculation Service, and PerformancePoint Service.

This was just the tip of the iceberg, and when you have Sharepoint 2010 as a part of your BI solution, the journey of an architect just starts with selecting services of use followed by capacity planning and related documents for infrastructure and storage teams. In such cases, there are some tools, reference topologies, and architectures that can make your life a bit easier as an architect. Below are link to such resources:

HP Sizer for MOSS 2007
HP Sizer for MOSS 2010
Reference architecture and topologies diagram
Reference architecture and topologies reference material

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