Sunday, May 18, 2014

Chef for Microsoft Azure, Amazon, OpenStack, Rackspace, Google Compute Engine, or Linode

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What is DevOps ? For beginner, who are not aware of what is DevOps, can read this page to gain an idea on the same.

DevOps is a branch of architecture design, that is often considered trivial by many architects or development leads. For traditional applications, infrastructure provisioning, capacity management, monitoring, and operations support generally gets taken care by dedicated IT teams bound by pre-agreed SLAs.

But when architects are dealing with cloud scale applications, devops is no longer a trivial area or outside of the solution definition. Automating infrastructure management using script based templates, on all the major cloud vendors, is one of the standard industry practices and supported by almost all the cloud vendors as well. It came to my surprise when I found one of the Microsoft Azure cloud trainers not aware of what is devops automation, and I had to educate the trainer on the same.

Some of the major players in this area are as mentioned below, and Chef is leading the way in this area.
Vagrant still stands a choice for VMWare lovers, but Chef is much more sophisticated compared to Vagrant. A good place for beginners is to start getting an overview of Chef, and pursuing some free webinars and free trainings provided by Chef. Chef in itself is a comprehensive framework with concepts like Knife, Cookbook, Chef-repo, Ohai etc. A picture is worth thousand words.Below mentioned is the architecture diagram of Chef.

Chef Architecture

Picking up a cloud automation vendor is not the end of  devops. Often huge businesses have hybrid infrastructure environments formed of private datacenter, physical and virtual environments, multi-tenant cloud environments. Companies like RightScale too offer specialized solutions to deal with such use-cases. Below is an interesting architecture diagram of righscale solution model.

RightScale MultiCloud Platform

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